Wednesday, December 13, 2006

uhm rain =[

Today is really sad!
Its raining really really hard!!!
This sucks so bad cuz it makes me all tired and no one wants to do anything =[
It makes me ol so sad.

Hope tomorrow will be better!
Then i can eat more awesome Taiwanese food!


Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I'm in Taiwan right now!

I'm about to go to sleep cuz its 1 A.m. over her but when i got here my dad and my uncle took me to go eat traditional Taiwanese food it was so freakin good plus it was cheap! a plus plus.
So far it going well, lets see what the next couple of days bring me.

Monday, December 11, 2006

At the airport

So I am sitting here at the airport waiting for bording. I am surprised to say that they actually provide free wireless internet, a little slow but works great non the less. They also provide wall plugs which is even better though i could not get a hold of one since there are only two and they are both being used =[

I think i am going to turn off my comp now cuz i still wanna watch a movie on the plane. buh-bye


Sunday, December 10, 2006

I'm such a BaMf !

Joy to my world!!!
I got an A in my Comp Sci class WOOT WOOT!!
Not only did I get an A i got a 100% on my final, in your face BIATCHES!!!!

Hope my other grades are just as good, i can only hope.

Currently: Packing, getting ready to travel to Taiwan tomorrow =] but will miss you all =[


Friday, December 8, 2006

Back in Simi

Yeah Finals are finally over Halleluyah !!!!
Along with the happiness comes the sadness
People that I have lived with, people that I see day in and day out are suddenly gone until next year. I can only hope that I don't miss them too much but that is already an impossiblity.

So to all my friends at UCSD ya!! finals are finally over no more primal screaming and see you bitches next year and have an Awesome X-mas and new year... don't get too crunked ... Miles =]


Wednesday, December 6, 2006


I just finished Comp Sci today and PSYC on Tuesday.
I can safely say that I did well on both of the Finals.
I'm currently studying for math which is the one I'm most worried about. So bye probably won't blog till after math final is over.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Happy Yet Very Sad!

A big burden was lifted off my shoulders on Friday after turning in the final Muir 40 paper! I was so very happy ! A group of friends and I went to an awesome restaurant called Extraordinary Desserts. I also found a long lost sister that I never knew about... very exciting. Got home and started to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith with a friend that always puts a smile on my face.

Saturday was kinda useless. I tried to study for the PSYC final, even though i got some studying done it feels like it was really not enough.

As of right now I feel like shit after reading a message I received online. I hope everything will work out.

I hope today I can get more studying done.


Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Need to Finish My English Essay!!!!

I'm here right now writing this blog cuz Christina started to write in her journal which triggered me to write this !!! So I'm here watching Lethal Weapon 3 and finishing my 10 page essay which needs to be done before I go to sleep !!! (goal for myself) plus office hours for Muir 40 is tomorrow.

Fun Fun FUn!!!

Going to update this tomorrow hopefully


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Presentation = Final Grade in CSE 91 = A+

YES baby we killed at our presentation.
An A fo sho in CSE 91 !!!
Although i think some of the people in our class had really bad presentation that shouldn't pass even though they probably will.


Sunday, November 26, 2006

CSE 91 Final Tomorrow

I'm stressing right now!!!!
My partner Aaron and I have a presentation + paper due tomorrow. These two things combined is our final grade AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!
Gotta get back to work !
